New book on Writing!

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A new book on Writing is soon to debut, Pyrotechnics on the Page by Ralph Fletcher, one of the most respected sources on the teaching of writing.  I’ve personally seen Ralph Fletcher in one of his lectures and he is just absolutely inspiring! He is THE reason why I know keep my OWN Writer’s notebook.

Pyrotechnics, will be available April 23, 2010 (Stenhouse) and is sure to provide some great ideas on how to spark some ‘fireworks’ into your writer’s workshop. Check out the link below for more information regarding the book… I can’t wait to get my own copy!! His other works are a MUST too- his children’s books and his work in poetry are all amazing. I can’t say that I recommend one more than another because I’ve read them all and they all have added tremendously to my instruction and my collection of amazing literature.

Here are my absolute MUST HAVES- if you need some material for teaching writing…these will provide the information you need to be the BEST Writing teacher for your students.

Boy writers  This book is especially great for any teacher having trouble with boys who don’t want to write!

What a writer needs   Another amazing resource, will help you understand the WHY of writing and the importance of teaching it. A very insightful read as well.

Writing Workshop  All the “know-how” you will need to implement the “Writer’s/Writing Workshop”. There are those who like to call it one or the other, focusing on Writer’s and calling  your student’s “writer’s” empowers them to write and puts the responsibility and focus upon them.

Craft Lessons When I purchased this book, there was a Fiction and Non-fiction title (2 titles) and I have both- which are AMAZING. I absolutely LOVE the lessons in each book and would not have survived my first few years of teaching writing without them. I still use these books and refer to them VERY OFTEN when using my mentor texts. I think this (and if the other is still available) are a MUST- HAVE resource. I think one day I will upload a few lessons (I’ll ask the author if it’s OK first…) and then you’ll understand why!

   I’ve used his poetry to also bring in some literature into my Science block…A writing kind of day This book is an absolute MUST-HAVE resource for you and your classroom library!! My students have read this book SO OFTEN and was in such high demand that I bought a second copy so that students could either buddy read or not have to wait (and I also wanted to bring it home and share with my daughters 🙂 !!

 Children love to see how subject -content area connects with fiction, poetry, and even non-fiction text; sometimes they cannot make this connection on their own and need it modeled and provided for them. (I’ll be writing more about this topic in the near future….Once you get a handle on working with children’s literature, it’s so much fun to play with texts and work them into your day, weaving them in and out of any subject area!)

Link for new book: 

Here is a link to Ralph Fletcher’s own website…  and just as a (shh-hint) I think the book is cheaper on his website than it is on the Stenhouse link … but I am not sure how it works if you are a member with a discount. I think with shipping and all you would defninitely save more by buying it through the author- let me know if anyone checks into this….

Happy Writing and Reading!

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